Mehr spontan als wohl überlegt bewarb ich mich für den International Photography Award 2010. Mein allererster Contest – wie ich dann im Nachhinein festgestellt habe, gar kein so unbedeutender. 5 Fotos habe ich in den Kategorien Fine Art Portrait, Landscape, Historic, Digitally Enhanced und Buildings ins Rennen um den Golden Globe der Fotografen geschickt.
Keines hat gewonnen – also kein Golden Globe Feeling, keine Einladung zur Preisverleihung nach Los Angeles, keine 10.000 USD am Konto.
Jedoch 3 der 5 Fotos wurden ingesamt 5-mal ausgezeichnet! Dafür werden immerhin bald ein paar schöne Zertifikate im Postkasten liegen.
Den Branche-Kapazundern aus der Jury hat´s also gefallen. Hey, für´s erste Mal nicht schlecht. Immerhin haben 15.000 Fotografen aus 103 Ländern teilgenommen.
Honorable Mention:
3 Abräumer, 5 Auszeichnungen
“Passing the Lighthouse”, 2 Auszeichnungen
winning entry in “Fine Art – Landscape” category and “Special – Digitally Enhanced” category
“Schoenbrunn Gloriette”, 2 Auszeichnungen
winning entry in ”Architecture : Buildings” category and “Architecture : Historic” category
“Swing”, 1 Auszeichnung
winning entry in “Fine Art – Portrait” category
Hier der Pressetext der IPA:
2010 International Photography Awards Announces Winners of the Competition
Laszlo Köszeghy was awarded an Honorable Mention in Fine Art – Landscape category for the winning entry “Passing the Lighthouse”
About Winner:
Laszlo Koeszeghy is a passionated photographer from Vienna, Austria. Photography became part of his life in 2008 and since then he seized his opportunyties to do several studio-shootings with pro and non-pro models. He captures the most wonderful moments of the wedding day and other emotional ceremonies. Laszlo also focuses on landscapes and stills. Macro-, Sport- and and other photography-classes are also part of his creative portfolio. Being asked how he became a photographer, he answered:” When i started to glaze at the world through my first Nikkor-lense, i started to realize how beautiful and almost perfect in some way every being is and how hard mankind is working to copy the perfection of nature and destroy it at the same time. Capturing this moments of awareness is what i am trying to do since then. ”
About IPA:
The 2010 International Photography Awards received nearly 15,000 submissions from 103 countries across the globe. IPA is a sister-effort of the Lucie Foundation, where the top three winners are announced at the annual Lucie Awards gala ceremony. The Foundation’s mission is to honor master photographers, to discover new and emerging talent and to promote the appreciation of photography. Since 2003, IPA has had the privilege and opportunity to acknowledge and recognize contemporary photographers’ accomplishments in this specialized and highly visible competition. Visit for more details.
IPA Contact
Sarah Cho
Competition Director
IPA | Lucie Awards